William Ernst at the California State Cross Country Championships
Joshua & William Ernst after the NCAA Div. 2 National Cross Country Championships
White at the McFarland Half Marathon
Boston Marathon runners Rick Chezum, Chuck Fiorentino, Cyndy Lakowske, Marian Fiorentino, Michelle Haynes, Dave Fleishman, & Kelsey Lakowske
Olympic decathlon champion Ashton Eaton with Haley, Lance, & Kelda Wilson
Mary Cooper Dave Dunbar Bill Schackart Kevin Cooper at Marianne Talley
Callum Bolger, the top sophomore finisher at the Footlocker West meet
Jadd Martinez at the So Fit City 10K
Vikki Waterbury-Phan and son Brian at the finish of the Rock to Pier race named in memory of her father and his namesake grandfather
Audrey McClish, Jacob Nichols, & Samantha Simard at the Footlocker West meet
Jory Hallanan, Paul Shires, & Dave Dunbar at the National Masters Cross Country Championships in San Francisco
Chuck & Marian Fiorentino at the 2018 Boston Marathon
Heidi Harrison at the finish of rock to pier